
つくば市の英会話スクール(英会話教室:英語教室) イングリッシュ・パーク



幼児英会話はNO.1、小学生はNO.2、スクールイベントはNO.3、一般英会話はNO.4、 主な講師紹介はNO.5、各スクールの案内はNO.6です。(受講料は税込み)


    Alexander E. Worth

    Alexander E. Worth   
          竹園本校 英語担当

    Hi, my name is Alex.
    I’ve been teaching in Japan for 4 years.
    I really enjoy watching my students progress in their English speaking ability.
    At English Park the atmosphere is friendly, relaxed and fun.
    We are here to help you achieve your English language goals !

    Eboni Staton

    Eboni Staton
         竹園本校 英語担当

    Hello, my name is Eboni. I'm from Atlanta, Georgia in the USA.
    I have been living in Japan for a total of 5 years.
    I lived in the Fuji Five Lakes area of Yamanashi for 3 years and now I have been in Tsukuba for 2 years.
    I love to travel and try new types of foods from all over the world.
    English Park is a great place to learn English because both the students are friendly, the staff is experienced and it is an all around fun place!
    Come join us!

    Jonathan D. Owens

         竹園本校 英語担当

    Hello ! I’m Jonathan and have lived and taught English in Japan about 12years.
    My students range from young learners to advanced. Most of my teaching experience is with University students, Engineers, Researchers and Medical Professionals.
    Usually, my students and I become good friend. We enjoy interesting, fun and exciting times together.
    If you want to practice and grow in your English ability, please join in for some great learning times that will make you happy and more skillful in your English communication !

    Caroline Laude

    Caroline Laude    (フランス人女性/パリ出身)
        竹園本校 フランス語担当

    Bonjour, je m'appelle Caroline. Je suis française et vis au Japon depuis
    11 ans. Cela fait 6 ans que j'enseigne le français avec beaucoup de
    plaisir. Le français peut sembler difficile au premier abord, mais
    l'essentiel est de se faire comprendre.
    Venez découvrir une autre culture dans l'ambiance amicale d' English
    Park. Tout en apprenant la langue, nous parlerons des habitudes
    françaises, de culture, de cuisine, de cinéma etc...
    Alors à bientôt, j'espère!


    李 有珠 ( イ ユウジュ )

    李 有珠 ( イ ユウジュ )   (韓国人女性/ソウル出身)
        竹園本校 韓国語担当

    안녕하세요. 저는 한국 서울 출신인 이유주라고 합니다.
    여러분은 이 교실에 들어서는 순간 한국어의 매력에 빠져드실 것입니다.
    한국어 학습 뿐만 아니라 한국의 관습이나 문화 등에 관해서도 같이 공부해 
    봅시다. 제가 여러분을 한국어 학습의 지름길로 안내하겠습니다.


    英会話スクール(英会話教室:英語教室) イングリッシュ・パーク

    〒 305-0032 茨城県つくば市竹園2丁目11番16号

    TEL 029-851-3981  FAX 029-851-3986